Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why did I start a second blog?

Why did I start a second blog named "Fibromyalgia-What's Up"?

I live with Fibro and lead a local support group. There are so many diagnosed with the disease-syndrome-condition that do not understand it nor do their family and friends.

Sometimes having Fibromyalgia can be a lonely road. You sometimes doubt what you are feeling as you have good days and bad. People might leave you out of some function knowing your painful condition. You might excitingly plan a fun outing and at the last minute you find yourself in a flare and have to take pain meds. You then should not drive so you back out. What a letdown.

Learning to still LIVE is so critical for fulfillment of your life. Ignoring it or fighting against it will only make it worse.

Therefore, I hope in my blog I can give some idea's that might help people with fibro to cope and live a fuller life. That's my goal.

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