Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 Christmas Day has come and gone but

Christmas Day 2008 has come and gone but hopefully the Christmas spirit will stick around.

Christmas in Longview, WA this year has been so very different. Nothing like it since 1968 or before. Snow, snow and more snow. Cold, cold and more cold. As I sit and type this, we still have at least 8-10 inches on our roof, huge piles of snow from our Grandson's digging out of our driveway. From the snowplow coming down the hill it left a ridge of snow along the street at the driveway.

Nope we haven't left since it started. We found out that even after 50 years we can still be snowed in and not be at each others throats. Now if it went on any longer....who knows... laughing.

I'm one of those old fashioned girls that have too much in the freezer, too much in the canned goods cupboard and 3 drawers of staples. So we had plenty to eat but not enough to do, so every time I walk past the scales I threaten it with not telling where the food went.

The fascinating part of this is watching nature (birds, deer, squirrels and raccoons) has been a lot of fun. We had lots of sunflower seeds, bird seed, apples, etc that has kept them happy.

Now it's all over and SLOWLY melting. I'm praying that we will be able to get out tomorrow and see the world once again. Pete is one that would go to dinner out every night, I prefer to cook. Guess who wants to leave and go out to dinner... yep, me.

I hope everyone I know had a wonderful Christmas. It's the first one that we haven't been able to be together with our kids (3) and their families. That was hard for us old folks who value and love their kids so much.

Our daughter surprised us in the afternoon, (came from Ridgefield where they have more snow) and brought dinner... spiral ham, our favorite Christmas potatoes (hashbrown casserole) rolls, etc. They left not too long after dinner but it was a grand surprise. We will be celebrating soon with all of the families together. That will be the treasure we will keep.

Well, it's almost Happy New Year 2009 time....the years pass by so quickly.